
Crop Production

The Prisons Farms are mandated to train, rehabilitate and reform prisoners by imparting crop production and various farming skills to inmates which on release will enable them to transform into responsible law abiding citizens.

Crop production is practised on several of the Prisons farm units located all over the country;

Core Values

  1. Professionalism:  Weshall adhere to the professional codes of conduct, exhibit high degree of competence and best practices as prescribed for a given profession in the Public Service.

  2. Reliability:  We shall be accountable, trustworthy, effective and efficient in conducting our work.

Appointments, transfers and leave September 2016

1. Constitution Of The Prisons Land Board

i. Dr. George Muge CP/LHD Chairperson
ii. Mr. Victor Aioka ACP/HR Member
iii. Mr. Hillary Bisanga ACP/QM Member
iv. Mr. Apollo Baker Asinja ACP/PAC Member
v. Mr. James Cockers Okiror SSP/NTR Member
vi. Mr. Aggrey Aturwanirire SSP/PPU Member
vii. Ms. Aliyo Naatukunda SSP/LO Secretary

2. Mr. Felix Ayo, SP, Prisons Headquarters, is appointed Officer in Charge Networks at Prisons Headquarters.

CGP inspects cotton production in eastern units

The CGP recently toured the eastern region to inspect cotton production in the units of Ngenge, Kisoko, Mukuju and Tororo prisons farms.

This toured culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Uganda Prisons Service and Busitema University to establish a frame work for collaboration between the two institutions under which teaching, training, research, technology transfer and technical expertise would be shared.
